Why Choose Us?

…Choose a Proven Record of Results

Decades of Experience

We are proud of over 30 years of providing a world-class life coaching service to literally thousands of people and dozens of companies, more than 13 years under the Life Works banner. On a personal level, we are highly experienced and have dedicated our lives to helping and inspiring others live lives of authentic freedom and joy. In the ever-evolving field of raising consciousness, Life Works/Inspiring Lives is a place-holder of passionate commitment, consistency, stability, and continuity.

100% Referral Based

We at Inspiring Lives do no advertising. 100% of Inspiring Lives clients are referred to us by other professionals or by our clients – husbands and wives refer their spouses, parents refer children, friends refer friends, loved ones refer loved ones, CEOs refer CEOs. In other words,– those who know the proven results they have experienced — on both a personal and a professional level — those who know us best and how we are capable of serving – are proud to recommend us to their partners, friends, loved ones, and associates. We invite you to read more on our What Clients Are Saying page.

Experience Driven Results

Our experience-based, science-backed work and programs are solidly based on what has worked over decades of repeatable client success. Unlike most coaching programs that depend on theory, fixed modalities and knowledge that is outdated even by the time it gets into print, we are fully experience driven. Because consciousness is evolving, we learn and grow as you learn and grow – every single day. As a result, our base of knowledge, practices and experience is always at the leading edge of what is possible. Life Works/Inspiring Lives’ sole focus is providing this world-class work to each and every client, each and every time.

The Life Works Model ®

During the decades we have been successfully offering this work, we’ve had tremendous opportunities to learn and document the most effective treatment methods and modalities and hone our programs to the keenest edge. The result of this effort is an innovative integrated approach to coaching that emphasizes strong experience-backed techniques, and holistic client-focused care.

Client-Focused Attention

From the first moment you connect with us, you will never be “just another client.” From the very first moment, you and we become active participants in your process of transformation. We form a partnership where we jointly collaborate with you to develop and complete a personalized plan that has been uniquely customized to meet your very specific needs. The most critical, the invaluable part of this process is you.  You will make the most important contributions regarding the direction and progress of your work.  How is that possible?  It is actually your higher consciousness that will be the guide and your higher consciousness already knows exactly what you will work for you to have your perfect, your inspired life.

Extensive Integration Support

Our Integration Program is an essential component of The Life Works Model ®. Because life happens, it is important you bring what you learn into your life after each session. This is the most critical part of the work. In order to support your Integration Process we offer a communication link that is easily accessible and has proven vital in the Transformation Process.. This work becomes a life-changing experience when fully Integrated. Learn More about how the Integration Program works or Get Help Today!

We are very near to greatness; one step and we are safe; can we not take the leap?

— Ralph Waldo Emerson